7 ways to enhance the art of gratitude in a child

My Superpowers Journals
4 min readJul 22, 2021


Gratitude is a deep felt emotion of love and joy when you appreciate every little thing that comes your way and and in turn you consciously make an attempt to express the feeling back either in words or in action. It is more than the simple phrase “thank you” for it is a state of being which builds the character of the person and makes space for more positive experiences, contentment and abundance as it teaches them to be thankful for what they have.

Gratitude is a skill that needs to be taught to children. Studies have shown that a grateful child is more happy, optimistic and pleasant to be around. We also know that a child from birth is self centred as everything revolves around them. At their young age they are unable to look outside of them and see that there is a world existing around them. It is left up to us to gently nurture them to realise that they are protected and cared for by people who love them and who do things for them because they are loved. Feeling loved is the first sign of a child who is ready to enter into a relationship of care, love and trust. They start to understand that they are dependent on others and people who love them do things for them.

As they begin their journey of gratitude, it starts with being grateful for objects, pets and people but gradually children can understand being thankful is not only for material things like toys but for acts of kindness, love, and caring. While reading I came across a wonderful statement, “Teaching children an attitude of gratitude requires helping them to look at their situations from a point of appreciation rather than from a deficit.” I think this is the key to teaching children the art of thankfulness. Being imitators this comes naturally when they see their parents, and all the people around them finding the good in everything and making each situation an advantage and a reason to be thankful.

Here are 7 ways to enhance the art of gratitude in our kids.

  1. Eckhart Tolle once said, “ Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Make it a point to acknowledge the good around you and especially what you see in your child. Living in an environment of sheer praise and bliss in the midst of challenges and turmoil is the deepest foundation you can give to your child.

2. Teach our children the magic words such as “Please, Thank you, Sorry”. I remember a parent who refused to teach her child to say please and thank you to the house maid as she felt it was below their dignity. Giving respect and gratitude to the least is the highest form of dignity we can teach our children.
It is always good to encourage our children to help the less fortunate as it will give them a sense of gratitude for the things they have which others don’t.

3. Children love activities related to drawing and art. Give them tasks such as drawing thank you cards for the people they are most grateful for.

4. Ask them to share their experiences of the day and ask them what they are thankful for that day.
Train your child to find the good in others and appreciate them for that. If possible they can also learn to give small gifts of appreciation.
Keep a gratitude journal and encourage them to write down or express their gratitude through drawing or painting.

5. Create a gratitude jar and keep it in a prominent place in your house. Children can add anytime to the jar when they are feeling grateful.

6. Take gratitude walks and let your child enjoy the wonderful creation around them.

7. Teach your child to turn complaints into praise by looking at the positive in all situations. They need to be taught that complaints, envy and other negative emotions are like yo yos that bring back more of the same. Rather use the yo yo to send gratitude and it will bring back happiness, success and love.

Let me end this write up with the words of Deepak Chopra’ “ Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom , the creativity of the universe” As parents and educators we want our children to be filled with wisdom and creativity in order to become who they are meant to be and thus let us begin by giving the keys of gratitude to our kids so that they can confidently open the doors that leads them to wonder and amazement.



My Superpowers Journals

MY SUPERPOWERS is a program that focuses on EQ ( Emotional Quotient) and MQ ( Moral Quotient), and is designed to boost student’s emotional intelligence.